8 Ways to Prepare for a Low-Energy Future
Energy is going to be very scarce and very expensive in the near future. Here’s how to live comfortably while using less energy.
Energy is going to be very scarce and very expensive in the near future. Here’s how to live comfortably while using less energy.
In order to be a successful homesteader, you need to realize that homesteading requires hard work and dedication. Here are some harsh truths.
To be a successful homesteader, you need to have a variety of homesteading skills: gardening, food storage, animal husbandry, and more.
Create a wildlife-friendly homestead that strikes the perfect balance, embracing nature while still protecting your plants and livestock.
If the grid goes down for good, people will have to learn Amish skills to survive. Here are some important skills we can learn from the Amish.
Self-sufficiency skills make kids confident in their abilities, and that gives them a sense of pride. Here are 11 chores to help them learn.
Are you interested in homesteading, but not sure where to start? Then check out these homesteading tips for beginners.
Twelve years ago, Bryce and Misty Murph’Ariens paid off all their debts and left big city life to homestead on their wetland property.
If you’re reading this post then odds are you’ll want to keep getting online. So what will you do if you’re in a rural area with no Internet?
From planning a garden to getting your tools in shape, winter can be a great time to get chores done on the homestead.