7 Reasons To NOT Get Backyard Chickens
If you’ve had chicken envy for a while, maybe it’s time for a wake-up call: here are the top 7 reasons you shouldn’t get backyard chickens.
If you’ve had chicken envy for a while, maybe it’s time for a wake-up call: here are the top 7 reasons you shouldn’t get backyard chickens.
Even if you don’t particularly like barn cats, you can’t argue their hunting skills in ridding the homestead of rodents.
If you own chickens, you can’t just pick up their eggs and crack them into a pan. You need to know how to wash and store them properly.
I will cover the basics and include some photos, and by the time you’re done reading this, you should be able to butcher a chicken.
Owning a small flock of chickens can be a rewarding experience, but there are a few things to keep in mind before you buy chickens.
All of the foods chicken can and can’t eat on this list are a result of years of experience keeping chickens on our homestead.
If you don’t want to use chemicals to kill flies, then try some of these natural fly traps and fly repellents instead.
This is a fairly comprehensive guide to getting started with ducklings and should give you all the basics you need for success.
Chicken brooding, whether it naturally occurs or is helped along by human hands, can be an incredibly exciting and rewarding process.
Quail require less space, lay tons of eggs, taste great, and are easier to raise than chickens or ducks. Here’s how to get started.