How to Build a Survival Community
Find out why building a survival community is crucial for your well-being during a disaster or long-term crisis, and how to build one.
Find out why building a survival community is crucial for your well-being during a disaster or long-term crisis, and how to build one.
Ensure a continuous harvest and protect your plants from frost with these effective greenhouse heating solutions.
As long as you store these emergency foods in airtight containers and in cool, dry, dark locations, they will last several decades.
There are a lot of prepping items at the dollar store. If you don’t have a lot of money, the dollar store is a great place get survival items.
In case you ever run out of soap, you should know that there are at least 15 plants you can use as soap. Just chop them up and boil them.
If a major disaster strikes, these everyday items will disappear from the stores first. Make sure you stockpile them now before they’re gone.
Don’t overlook these nutritious emergency foods! Stockpile a variety of long-lasting, nutrient-packed options for disaster preparedness.
Step back in time with these recipes from 100 years ago. Discover forgotten flavors and ingredients that are rare today but still taste great.
Don’t panic-buy! Slowly build your survival food stockpile with our guide to the best long-lasting, nutritious, and tasty options.
Learn how to make a DIY candle that will burn for 100 hours or longer with these step by step instructions and pictures.