12 Worst Mistakes New Homesteaders Make
If you’re new to homesteading, you should know that there are several critical homesteading mistakes that are very easy to make.
If you’re new to homesteading, you should know that there are several critical homesteading mistakes that are very easy to make.
When the next ammunition shortage hits, a box of ammo will become a precious commodity. Stock up on these ammo types while you still can.
There are many reasons to dig a well, but first you need to make sure you know what you’re doing. Here’s how to get started.
There are a handful of household products that can kill viruses, including several products that you may have right now. Here’s how to use them.
Do you want to know how to make your own all-natural DIY hand sanitizer as part of your preparations for a major disaster? You’ve come to the right place.Â
One of the most overlooked multipurpose products is apple cider vinegar. No one’s kitchen or medicinal cabinet is truly complete without it. #homesteadsurvivalsite #applecidervinegar #offgrid #naturalremedies #upcycling
On a homestead, a firearm can be used for self-defense, hunting, protecting livestock, target shooting, and pest control, and more.
There are many tools a homesteader should have, and one of them is a firearm. You’ll need it for hunting and for self-defense.
What if you don’t have AC or it isn’t working in the summer? Fortunately, there are many ways you can keep yourself cool without AC.