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    Top 50 Medicinal Plants and How to Use Them

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    Top 50 Medicinal Plants and How to Use Them

    Civilization has been around for thousands of years without western medicine that is only a century old. There’s no way the human population never got sick or suffered ailments in all that time. So, how did they survive without antibiotics and skincare products? PLANTS!

    They used herbs and plants they either grew or plucked straight out of the wild. Over time, natural medicine has evolved. As explorers began to travel the world, different civilizations shared their plant uses.

    When America was discovered, that added a whole new layer of plant medicine. Thankfully, the treatments are very well documented and have been passed down through the generations. Unfortunately, plant medicine has fallen out of favor with the pharmaceutical industry and explosion.

    Don’t let the old ways die.

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    Why use medicinal plants?

    • Typically, fewer side effects than pharmaceuticals
    • Cheap! Dirt cheap! (pun intended)
    • Multiple uses
    • Gives you a sense of empowerment, taking your health into your own hands
    • Preventative health
    • No need to pay for a doctor visit (although holistic doctors are an option)
    • Connection to the old ways

    One of the most satisfying aspects to using plants you harvest yourself from the wild is knowing you are taking care of yourself. You’re not reliant on the medical system. You don’t have to wait weeks to see the doctor and then hours waiting for your prescription that may or may not heal you. That’s assuming it doesn’t cause a side effect that needs another prescription medicine.

    You get the satisfaction of healing yourself for next to nothing in cost. There are going to be some plants you can’t find in your area. You’ll have to buy those at your local health food store or online. It’s still going to be a lot cheaper than the other option.

    How to Use Medicinal Plants

    When you see the list of plants, you might get a little concerned. Are you supposed to gnaw on a nettle weed! No. There are a handful of ways the plants and their different pieces are used. You might need the leaves for one ailment and the flowers for another. Some are not meant for internal use. ALWAYS have a book or expert show you how to use the plants.

    • Infusions and teas One of the simplest methods is making herbal teas or infusions. This involves steeping plant parts (leaves, flowers, or roots) in hot water to extract their medicinal properties.
    • Tinctures are liquid extracts of herbs made by soaking plant material in alcohol or another solvent. This method is effective for preserving and concentrating the active compounds. Tinctures are usually taken in small doses. This is a more involved process.
    • Topical preparations, such as ointments and salves, involve combining medicinal plant extracts with a base (like beeswax or oils). These are applied directly to the skin for localized effects, such as wound healing or skin conditions.
    • Poultices are made by crushing or grinding fresh or dried plant material and applying it directly to the affected area. This method is often used for skin conditions, bruises, or inflammation.
    • Syrups are sweetened liquid extracts of medicinal plants, often combined with honey or another sweetener. They are commonly used for respiratory conditions.
    • Plant infusions or decoctions can be used to make compresses or wash for external application. This method is often used for skin conditions, wounds, or eye washes.
    • Medicinal plant extracts can be encapsulated or compressed into tablets for convenient consumption. This type is what you’ll typically buy when you can’t harvest a plant in the wild.

    Tools Needed

    Before you embark on your medicinal plant journey, you’re going to need a few things. These don’t have to cost a lot. The dollar store is a great place to find what you need or buy in bulk on Amazon.

    • Medicinal Plants: Start by identifying and obtaining the specific medicinal plants you intend to use. Make absolutely sure you have the correct plant species, and if you're not confident ask. There are some apps you can download that will identify a plant as well.
    • Gardening Tools: If you plan to grow medicinal plants, you'll need basic gardening tools like a trowel, pruning shears, watering can, and suitable soil. If you’re harvesting in the wild, having scissors and a trowel helps.
    • Drying Equipment: Many medicinal plants need to be dried for storage. Invest in drying racks, dehydrators, or simply use a dry, well-ventilated space. Proper drying helps preserve the potency of the plant. Old window screens are perfect drying racks.
    • Storage Containers: Once dried, medicinal plant materials should be stored in airtight containers to protect them from moisture and light. Glass jars or containers made of dark-colored materials are often preferred. You can also use Ziploc bags.
    • Labeling Supplies: Clearly label your containers with the name of the plant, the part used, the date of harvest, and any other relevant information.
    • Reference Books and Guides: Keep books, guides, or reliable online resources on medicinal plants. These references can provide information on plant identification, harvesting times, preparation methods, and potential uses. There are a lot of very similar looking plants. You need to make sure you are getting the right one.
    • Mortar and Pestle: This is a handy tool for grinding or crushing plant material.
    • Strainers and Cheesecloth: When making herbal infusions, decoctions, or tinctures, you'll need strainers or cheesecloth to separate the liquid from the plant material.
    • Glass or Plastic Bottles: If you're making herbal extracts or tinctures, you'll need glass or plastic bottles for storage. Amber or dark-colored bottles help protect the contents from light. Glass is preferable.
    • Measuring Tools: Accurate measurements are crucial in preparing herbal remedies. Measuring spoons and a scale is ideal.
    • Safety Gear: Depending on the plant, you may need safety gear such as gloves to protect your hands from irritants or thorns.
    • Notebook or Journal: Keep a notebook or journal to record your experiences, observations, and the results of using medicinal plants. Note where you harvested a plant as well so you can go back for more.

    1. Aloe Vera


    You’ve probably heard of aloe vera simply because it is used in a lot of skincare products because it is so valuable. It’s an easy houseplant to grow and is very, very hardy. Aloe vera is a versatile plant and can be used externally and internally. A tiny cutting off the end of the plant is all you need. The plant will regenerate itself as long as it is kept healthy.

    Check out some of the uses for Aloe vera:

    • Soothing burns
    • Sunburn relief
    • Promoting wound healing
    • Moisturizing skin
    • Insect bites and stings
    • Oral health—if you make your own toothpaste, adding aloe is an extra bonus.
    • Digestive aid
    • Acne
    • Rashes or itchy skin in general
    • Hair and scalp care

    The following links explain how to use aloe medicinally.

    2. Arnica


    Arnica, yet again we’re in the daisy family. This one has bright yellow petals. It’s the plant your grandma might reach for because it is an amazing remedy for arthritis. Arnica is one of the few plants that is strictly topical. You don’t want to ingest it. There are some homeopathic remedies that use arnica but for the average person, you should not try to ingest it.

    3. Ashwagandha


    Ashwagandha is often referred to as Indian ginseng. It’s the plant you want if you’re dragging and feeling a little off. It’s typically the plant you’re going to reach for when you’re stressed or possibly having some issues with the thyroid, which regulates your hormones.

    The root is used as an anti-inflammatory. It is usually taken as a powder either in a capsule or mixed into a glass of water or added to food. The small shrub is not native to North America. If you want to harvest your own, you’ll need to grow it.

    • Stress relief
    • Improving energy
    • Supporting immune health
    • Hormonal balance
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Antioxidant
    • Lower blood sugar levels

    Powder is the most common form, but you can use a tincture as well.

    4. Bilberry


    The bilberry is a small, dark purple berry that looks a lot like a blueberry. It’s rich in flavonoids and anthocyanins which is what you want for positive health benefits. If you’re lucky, you can find bilberry in the wild.

    Generally, these are found in northern areas in North America, especially in the mountains in Alaska and Canada. Like most berries in this family, they’ll grow in patches and could easily be mistaken for blueberries or even huckleberries for the untrained eye.

    • Supporting eye health
    • Improving vision
    • Providing antioxidant benefits
    • Improved circulation
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Urinary tract health
    • Anti-cancer properties

    Some ways to use bilberry beyond eating raw are linked to below. If you can’t harvest it yourself, you can buy the powder.

    5. Black Cohosh


    This particular plant can be somewhat controversial, but women have been using it for a long time to alleviate menopause symptoms including hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings. It is found in the wild in the forests of the Eastern United States.

    In general, most experts will only advise using black cohosh short-term. It’s not the plant you’ll want to take for more than a few months. It is usually taken internally in powder or a tincture, but there are some who will use it as a topical cream for muscle and joint pain.

    • Alleviating symptoms of menopause
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Mood support
    • PMS
    • Joint and muscle pain
    • Anti-spasmodic properties

    You can buy the tincture or capsules readily at a health food store.

    6. Boswellia


    Boswellia is more commonly known as frankincense. It is found in Asia and Africa, which means most of us will have to buy it online in powder form. Supplements are also sold to help manage arthritis pain and some say it improves cognitive health.

    • Anti-inflammatory properties
    • Supporting joint health
    • Managing arthritis
    • Respiratory health
    • Alleviate symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease
    • Skin health
    • Cancer prevention

    There are a few different ways to use Boswellia.

    7. Brahmi


    Brahmi, which you might know as water hyssop grows wild all around the world. It’s one of those plants you want for good mental health. It is also used in a paste or oil form for skin health. And for those wanting to promote hair growth, this is your natural answer.

    • Improving cognitive function
    • Enhancing memory
    • Reducing anxiety
    • Anti-epileptic properties
    • Anti-diabetic
    • Hearth health

    Here’s how to prepare and use brahmi.

    8. Bupleurum


    Bupleurum is an easy herb you can grow at home. It has long been a favorite in Chinese medicine world for its all-around benefits.  The root is dried and used to make tea. Some people prefer the tincture form. A couple of drops in a glass of water is the typical dosage. Capsules are also an option

    9. Burdock


    Burdock is that obnoxious, pokey weed that grows along roadsides and in the middle of a field or garden where you don’t want it. You could purposely try and grown your own, but be careful because it will spread. It can be considered a noxious weed. Just look for bright purple flowers and you’ll have found it. The root is the part of the plant that holds the medicinal qualities.

    • Supporting skin health
    • Detoxifying the blood
    • Aiding digestion
    • Regulates blood pressure
    • Can be used to control diabetes

    Here’s how to use burdock:

    10. Calendula


    This is another one of those really good plants you want to have around. It is an excellent topical remedy to cuts and burns. It resembles a marigold but isn’t quite the same. It’s an easy, pretty flower that can be grown in pots on the deck or planted in a flower garden. Every part of the flower is used medicinally. It can be taken internally as tea or made into a salve or balm.

    • Healing skin conditions
    • Promoting wound healing
    • Soothing inflammation
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Anti-viral
    • Supports digestion

    Here how to use calendula:

    11. Cat's Claw


    Cat’s Claw is found in the rainforests of Central America. The woody vine isn’t pretty, but it packs a punch in the medicine world. Typically, it is dried and consumed as tea. Online, you can buy it as a powder to make your tea or take it as a capsule.

    • Anti-inflammatory properties
    • Supporting immune health
    • Managing arthritis
    • Treats Lyme disease

    Learn a little more about Cat’s Claw and why you’ll want it in your medicine cabinet.

    12. Chamomile


    There are two different varieties of chamomile that you’ll find growing in the wild or that you can grow at home. It’s a beautiful flower that looks great in pots on the deck or in a windowsill. German Chamomile is the one you want. Roman Chamomile is just for looks.

    • Calming nerves
    • Promoting sleep
    • Relieving digestive issues

    Links for different ways to use Chamomile internally and externally.

    13. Chaste Tree


    Chaste Tree goes by Vitex or monk’s pepper and it looks more like a flowering bush. It’s the ladies’ herb in Chinese medicine. It’s a very pretty flower that would look good in the garden. 

    • Regulating hormonal balance, particularly in women
    • PMS symptoms
    • Migraines
    • Menopause symptoms

    Here’s how to grow and use chaste:

    14. Cranberry


    Cranberry really doesn’t need an introduction. It’s a holiday favorite and can be bought in stores almost year-round. Drinking cranberry juice is one way to get the benefits. You can also take it as a capsule, which is one of the easiest ways to get what you need. If you are lucky and come across fresh cranberries, dry or freeze them to use throughout the year.

    • Preventing urinary tract infections
    • Supporting bladder health
    • Cardiovascular health
    • Anti-inflammatory

    Here’s some more information about cranberries:

    15. Dandelion


    Yes, you read that right. Those obnoxious yellow flowers that find their way into your lawn are actually medicinal. And they make a great salad. Dandelion fresh from the yard can be made into a tea, eaten raw or sauteed. The roots are where the bulk of the diuretic properties are and a lot easier to take in capsule form.

    • Supporting liver health
    • Aiding digestion
    • Diuretic
    • Skin infection (flower poultice)

    Here’s how to harvest and use dandelion:

    16. Devil's Claw


    This is an amazing remedy, but it’s difficult to grow in the garden. It grows in Africa, but demand has outpaced new growth. There are laws around harvesting to make sure it will be around for the next generation. Devil’s Claw can be taken in powder form, tinctures and topically.

    • Anti-inflammatory properties
    • Supporting joint health
    • Managing arthritis
    • Rheumatism
    • Muscle pain

    Here’s some more information about devil’s claw:

    17. Echinacea


    Echinacea is another flower in the daisy family. It grows in the wild, commonly found in prairies and the woods. The flowers tend to be white with some pink or purple petals. It is a wildflower and most people don’t even realize they’re walking through a field of this immune-boosting plant.

    • Boosting the immune system
    • Reducing the duration of colds
    • Anti-inflammatory properties
    • Wound healing because of its anti-bacterial properties

    Echinacea is one of those multi-purpose plants that is really a one-stop-shop for the bulk of illnesses and ailments. Prevention is the best medicine and with a strong immune system, you’re halfway there.

    18. Eucalyptus


    Eucalyptus is the go-to for a stuffy nose and congestion. It has a very strong odor that is impossible to miss. One strong inhale of steam rising from a boiling pot of water with eucalyptus oil in it and you are going to be breathing easy. The essential oil should be a part of your medicine kit. It can be dropped in a diffuser or when mixed with a carrier oil, rubbed on the chest to ease congestion. It’s an absolute must for cold and flu season.

    • Relieving respiratory issues, such as coughs and congestion
    • Antiseptic
    • Antibacterial
    • Insect repellent

    Here’s some more information about eucalyptus:

    19. Feverfew


    Feverfew is another weed slash wildflower that grows along roadsides and in fields. It looks similar to a daisy and despite it being dubbed a weed, it would look great in a garden. With as powerful as it is you’ll want it around.

    • Relieving migraines
    • Reducing inflammation
    • Fever reducer
    • Arthritis remedy

    Here’s how to harvest and use feverfew:

    20. Garlic


    Garlic isn’t just for repelling vampire. It is one of the age-old medicines. Some people will wear a necklace made of garlic to fight off colds. If you don’t want to stink everyone out, there are odorless garlic pills that are just as effective. Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Fight off ear infections and other infections with garlic. It can be eaten raw if you’ve got the stomach for it or even used in a tea. Garlic oil can be applied topically to fight an infection as well.

    • Boosting the immune system
    • Supporting heart health
    • Possessing antimicrobial properties
    • Cancer prevention
    • Blood sugar regulation
    • Anti-aging effects
    • Hair and skin health

    Here’s some more information on using garlic:

    21. Ginger


    Ginger root is a pregnant lady’s best friend. A little ginger tea or even chewing on a piece of the root can eliminate morning sickness. It’s easy to grow at home and although it offers many medicinal qualities, it is also a common addition to many meals.

    • Relieving nausea
    • Reducing inflammation
    • Aiding digestion
    • Pain relief
    • Lowering blood sugar levels

    Here’s how to harvest and use ginger:

    22. Ginkgo Biloba


    The ginkgo biloba tree has long been a part of Chinese medicine. The leaves are where the medicinal properties are held. In North America, it is considered an ornamental tree. It’s not hard to grow. It is generally used as a supplement or drunk as tea.

    • Improving cognitive function
    • Enhancing memory
    • Supporting circulation
    • Improves eye health
    • Asthma support
    • Tinnitus relief

    Here’s how to grow and use gingko biloba:

    23. Ginseng


    Ginseng is another one of those things that got discovered, blown-up in popularity and ultimately overharvested which has led to some regulation. It grows wild in the easter United States. You’ve probably seen sports drinks boasting the addition of ginseng because it is an energy boost.

    It can be taken in capsules or added to drinks via tinctures or powder. Ginseng tea is a popular choice for those who want a coffee alternative in the morning.

    • Enhancing energy
    • Improving cognitive function
    • Supporting immune health
    • Improved physical performance
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Enhanced libido

    Here’s some more information on harvesting and using ginseng:

    24. Gotu Kola


    This is not a commonly known plant, but it has its own unique benefits. It is a tropical plant, so not an option for everyone to grow. It is used topically in ointments and creams, consumed as tea or taken as a supplement.

    • Enhancing cognitive function
    • Promoting wound healing
    • Reducing anxiety
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Venous insufficiency (poor circulation in legs)

    Here’s some more information on gotu kola:

    25. Hawthorn


    Hawthorn shrubs are often seen in landscaping. The leaves and berries are used medicinally. Hathorn tea can be made with a combination of leaves and berries if you can get your hands on it. The capsule form is a convenient way to get the benefits.

    • Supporting heart health
    • Improving circulation
    • Regulating blood pressure
    • Digestive support
    • Anxiety reducer
    • Cholesterol management

    Here’s some more information on hawthorn:

    26. Hibiscus


    Hibiscus flowers offer a powerful punch of good health. The best way to get the benefits is via a tea.

    • Lowering blood pressure
    • Supporting heart health
    • Antioxidants
    • Kidney health
    • Liver health
    • Mood enhancer

    Here’s some more information on hibiscus:

    27. Holy Basil


    Holy basil, also known as tulsi, is not the same as the basil you probably use in cooking. Holy basil is peppery and has often been used in the Hindu culture for religious and spiritual ceremonies. It is typically used in tea form or taken as capsules.

    • Adaptogenic herb for stress relief
    • Promoting respiratory health
    • Balancing hormones
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Antimicrobial

    Here’s how to harvest and use holy basil:

    28. Lavender


    Lavender is another well-known flower. People may not realize it’s value goes beyond it’s beauty and the smell it puts out. You can buy fresh lavender, grow it yourself or buy the dried form online. Lavender essential oil is an excellent sleep aid when diffused or mixed into a carrier oil for a massage.

    • Calming nerves
    • Promoting relaxation
    • Aiding in sleep
    • Headache relief
    • Skin care
    • Pain relief
    • Antimicrobial

    Here’s how to harvest and use lavender:

    29. Lemon Balm


    Lemon balm is a fragrant herb that would be a nice addition to a kitchen window garden. The leaves are good for cooking but have long been used to calm the nerves. A lemon balm tea is a great way to relax before bed.

    • Calming nerves
    • Promoting sleep
    • Relieving digestive issues
    • Cold sore relief
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Sore muscles

    Here’s some more information on lemon balm:

    30. Licorice Root


    Licorice root is a woody plant that is pretty easy to grow in the garden. The root has a naturally sweet flavor. It is almost an instant cure for an upset tummy and indigestion. It’s cheap and a single teaspoon steep in hot water is all you need.

    • Soothing digestive issues
    • Supporting adrenal function
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Anti-viral
    • Dental health

    Here’s some more information on licorice root:

    31. Maca Root


    Maca root isn’t all that popular, but it has it’s place. It’s found in Peru and while it is a food, it also has medicinal properties.

    • Enhancing energy
    • Supporting hormonal balance
    • Improving fertility
    • Improving libido

    Here’s how to use maca root:

    32. Milk Thistle


    Another weed on the list. This is the supplement you want if you’re experiencing liver issues whether it’s from overdoing it on the weekend or an illness that makes your liver sluggish. It’s easiest to take this in a capsule form to get a strong enough dose. You can make tea, but you would have to drink a lot to get the desired effects.

    • Supporting liver health and detoxification
    • Managing diabetes
    • Antioxidant
    • Gallbladder health
    • Cancer prevention

    Here’s how to harvest and use milk thistle:

    33. Moringa


    If you are struggling with blood pressure and cholesterol issues, try moringa. It’s derived from a tree that grows in Africa, which means you’re going to have to buy the powder or capsules online.

    • Anti-inflammatory properties
    • Cholesterol management
    • Blood pressure support
    • Blood sugar regulation
    • Joint health

    Here are some moringa recipes:

    34. Mullein


    Mullein, sometimes called nature’s toilet paper, is another obnoxious weed that you’ll often find growing along highways. It’s tall, yellow flowers help it stand out. The leaves are very soft, hence the toilet paper reference. The flowers, leaves and roots are all beneficial. It is one of the top ten best to have in your first aid kit. It can be used internally and topically.

    • Relieving respiratory issues
    • Wound care
    • Treats staph
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Antiviral
    • Antibacterial
    • Eases migraines
    • Treats ear infections

    Here’s how to use mullein:

    35. Nettle


    Nettle is a pain, literally, but it is worth a little pain to harvest this weed. It is a versatile, beneficial plant that is easily found in the wild. The most common use is in tea form; however, you can buy capsules for quick and easy use.

    • Alleviating allergy symptoms
    • Supporting the immune system
    • Reducing inflammation
    • Blood sugar regulation
    • Prostate health
    • Diuretic effects
    • Anemia prevention
    • Hair and skin health

    Here’s some more information on nettle:

    36. Passionflower


    This gorgeous climbing vine is useful beyond it’s beauty. It’s a natural mood stabilizer and can help women experiencing menopause symptoms.

    • Calming nerves
    • Promoting sleep
    • Reducing anxiety
    • Menstrual symptom relief
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Mood enhancer

    Here’s some more information on passionflower:

    37. Peppermint


    Peppermint really doesn’t need an introduction. It’s an easy plant to grow in a pot or garden. It is prolific. Growing it in your garden will help cut down on pests while providing you a steady source of fresh peppermint. It comes back year after year and will spread with ease. It can be drunk in tea or use the essential oil to diffuse in the room.

    • Relieving digestive issues
    • Soothing headaches
    • Reducing stress
    • Nausea reducer
    • Pain relief
    • Mental alertness

    Here’s some more information on harvesting and uses peppermint:

    38. Red Clover


    Red clover is exactly what it sounds like, except it’s more of a purple color. It grows everywhere, including your lawn. It has long been used in women’s health. It is usually taken in tea form, but some prefer the tincture.

    • Supporting women's health
    • Balancing hormones
    • Purifying the blood
    • Skin health

    Here’s some more information on red clover:

    39. Rhodiola


    Rhodiola is an herb found in Arctic climates, which means you’re going to have to rely on supplements. This is really the best way to get an adequate amount to take care of your mental health.

    • Adaptogenic herb for stress relief
    • Improving energy
    • Enhancing mental performance
    • Immune system booster
    • Cardiovascular health

    Here’s some more information on rhodiola:

    40. Rosemary


    Rosemary isn’t just for your favorite dishes. It’s an all-around good herb to have on hand. Diffusing rosemary essential oil will make you feel better in general. Using it in a carrier oil for a relaxing massage can ease the stress of a day.

    • Improving memory
    • Reducing inflammation
    • Supporting digestion
    • Skin health
    • Stress reducer
    • Antioxidant
    • Joint and muscle support
    • Blood circulation

    Here’s some more information on rosemary:

    41. Sage


    It’s a powerful her with power anti-inflammatory properties. It is mostly used topically, but it can be a tea if you can handle the taste. It will help ease a sore throat.

    • Soothing sore throats
    • Reducing inflammation
    • Improving cognitive function
    • Menopause symptom relief
    • Digestive health
    • Anti-diabetic
    • Antibacterial
    • Throat health
    • Anti-cancer
    • Skin health

    Here’s some more information on sage:

    42. Saw Palmetto


    The small palm tree that is prevalent in Florida is great for men’s health. It can be taken as a supplement, which is the most common. The tea is typically too bitter to enjoy. Shampoos and topical products are very popular.

    • Supporting prostate health
    • Hair loss
    • Urinary tract health
    • Men’s sexual health
    • Men’s hormone support
    • Anti-inflammatory

    Here’s some more information on saw palmetto:

    43. Skullcap


    This little herb is another one that can help you sleep. It’s usually taken in a tea form to help stabilize your mood. However, you can take it in capsule form for better dosing. A topical cream is easily made at home.

    • Calming nerves
    • Reducing anxiety
    • Supporting sleep
    • Mood enhancer
    • Headache relief
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Skin irritations

    Here’s how to use skullcap:

    44. Tribulus Terrestris


    You might call it puncture vine. It’s a staple in Chinese medicine despite being absolutely obnoxious in your yard. Here’s a reason to keep it around.  This is typically in supplement form. However, you can buy the powder and mix it into your water or smoothie.

    • Supporting reproductive health
    • Enhancing libido
    • Boosting energy
    • Athletic performance
    • Hormonal balance
    • Urinary tract health

    Here’s some more information on tribulus terrestris:

    45. Turmeric


    Turmeric is a huge help for anyone suffering from any kind of issues that cause inflammation. Chron’s, IBD and arthritis sufferers can feel the relief fairly quickly once starting on turmeric. It’s an Indian seasoning with the curcumin being the agent that provides the relief. Simply adding turmeric to your meals isn’t enough. Taking capsules is the best way to get the benefits. You can grow turmeric at home or buy fresh root at specialized stores.

    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Antioxidant
    • Heart health
    • Cancer prevention

    Here’s some more information on turmeric:

    46. St. John's Wort


    St. John’s Wort is nature’s Prozac without the side effects. It has long been a go-to for people needing a little mental boost. It can be taken in capsule form or a tea. An oil can also be used in a relaxing massage.

    • Managing mild to moderate depression
    • Anxiety reducer
    • Sleep disorders

    Here’s some more information on St. John’s Wort:

    47. Valerian


    The root of the plant is what is used to make tea, tinctures and powder. Tea is the most common usage. The tincture or powder form can be used in a massage oil or cream to help with muscle relaxation.

    • Aiding sleep
    • Reducing anxiety
    • Promoting relaxation
    • Migraine relief
    • Menstrual cramp relief

    Here’s some more information on valerian root:

    48. White Willow Bark


    Get it. This is going to be an absolute necessity in your medicine cabinet. If you don’t want to mess with ibuprofen or narcotics, this is the cure you want. Willow bark has salicin which is what makes aspirin effective. Willow trees are pretty common. Learn how to harvest and make your own.

    • Natural pain relief
    • Reducing inflammation
    • Relieving headaches
    • Fever reducer
    • Arthritis
    • Dental pain relief
    • Cardiovascular support
    • Mild sedative

    Here’s some more information on white willow bark:

    49. Yarrow


    This isn’t the most attractive wildflower but it is a first aid must. It grows wild and is usually considered a weed. It can be applied directly to a wound or used as a tea.

    • Promoting wound healing
    • Reducing inflammation
    • Supporting digestive health
    • Stop bleeding
    • Feder reducer
    • Urinary tract health
    • Anti-anxiety

    Here’s some information on using yarrow:

    50. Yellow Dock


    If things are a little backed up, nature has provided yellow dock to get things moving again. It is usually taken in tea form. You can use a few drops of the tincture if you prefer. Capsules give you a more accurate dosing.

    • Blood cleansing
    • Laxative
    • Iron absorption
    • Liver health
    • Anti-inflammatory

    Here’s some more information on yellow dock:

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