10 Ways To Store Meat Without a Refrigerator
There are many ways to store meat without a refrigerator. Smoking, curing, brining, canning, dehydrating, freeze-drying, and more.
There are many ways to store meat without a refrigerator. Smoking, curing, brining, canning, dehydrating, freeze-drying, and more.
Being able to bake bread without relying on your oven or electricity is a great ability to have. Here are seven ways to do it.
Good quality organic medicinal herbs can be expensive. Luckily, there are many healing herbs that are easy to grow at home.
Wheat is a staple of almost everyone’s diet, but it’s difficult to grow. Thankfully, there are other plants that can be made into flour.
Here you’ll find a list of emergency foods you should be stocking. With all of these foods on hand, you’ll be eating well no matter what.
If you make these food storage mistakes, your food could end up going bad, wasting both your time and your money.
Dutch ovens are a practical choice for anyone who wants to cook off-grid. Here are some cooking and safety tips for beginners.
Using these simple ideas to add just a little turmeric to your diet every day will help boost your immune system and general health.
The easiest way to make your own yeast is to grow a sourdough starter. All you have to do is capture wild yeast using flour and water.
If you’re new to from-scratch cooking or bread-making, this peasant bread recipe is a great place to start. It’s a cheap family staple.