24 Things You Should Keep In Your Vehicle 24/7
Disasters strike when you least expect, so make sure you keep these survival items and emergency supplies in your vehicle at all times.
Disasters strike when you least expect, so make sure you keep these survival items and emergency supplies in your vehicle at all times.
Preparation is the key to winter survival. Here are 25 supplies you need to have to ride out a storm or power outage this winter.
Prepare yourself for emergencies with this list of essential items you may have forgotten to get. Don’t be caught off-guard.
Homesteading isn’t a process that happens overnight. Purchase homestead tools as you need them until you have everything covered.
There are a lot of prepping items at the dollar store. If you don’t have a lot of money, the dollar store is a great place get survival items.
Sooner or later, your fuel will run out. When they do, you’ll need a stockpile of hand-powered tools and the knowledge to use them.
Prepare for the inevitable economic downturn: stockpile and secure your resources for the next Great Depression before it’s too late.
If a major disaster strikes, these everyday items will disappear from the stores first. Make sure you stockpile them now before they’re gone.
Check out this list of supplies you should get right now if you haven’t started prepping. Be prepared for any emergency or disaster.
These are my all-time favorite books for learning about self-sufficient living and using once you are living the homestead dream. #homesteadsurvivalsite #homesteading #books #offgrid #cookbooks #homestead