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    28 Emergency Items You Forgot To Get

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    28 Emergency Items You Forgot To Get

    Have you ever heard the saying, “ The Devil is in the details?”

    Well, this applies to emergency preparedness and preppers just as it does everyone else, and in this article that is especially true as it pertains to gear and supplies. It’s easy to make sure you have the “big” items within your emergency gear because those items are talked about and featured a lot. Items like water, food, shelter, knives, chopping tools, weapons, and some first aid supplies.

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    But there are a lot of “smaller” items, the details if you will, that make up the bulk of an emergency kit or bug-out bag. Many of these items may not be as cool or as fun as other popular items, which is why they aren’t discussed much and therefore easily forgotten about.

    However, make no mistake that these unpopular items are incredibly important and sometimes even critical to have. So, in order to help you not forget about them we’ve gone ahead and put together a list of items to have in your emergency kit that are too important to forget.

    28 Items Not To Forget

    The items below are not listed in any order of importance.

    1. Aluminum Foil

    Aluminum foil may seem like an odd thing to pack in your kit but it can be used for all sorts of stuff. Examples include cooking, making a solar oven, a signaling device, and a  fishing lure.

    2. Bandana

    A simple bandanna square is an easily overlooked item, especially by those who don’t normally wear one. However, this small piece of fabric packs a punch in the versatility department. It can be used as a signaling device, water filter, water collector, bandage, and fire tinder, just to name a few examples.

    3. Battery Tester


    Almost all of us store extra batteries in our kits to power the numerous devices and gadgets we have, but many of us probably don’t have a way to test how good those batteries are. A small battery tester can save you a lot of frustration.

    4. Candles

    Some people absolutely hate the idea of candles in emergency kits due to the risk of fire so they have become less common to stock up on. But batteries and emergency lights will fail at some point. Candles, even small tea candles will provide some ambient light.

    5. Cash

    Yes, most of us probably know that it’s a good idea to have some emergency cash on hand in case banks or other electronic payment methods aren’t available. But the important thing to remember is to keep the majority of the cash in smaller bills and not in fifties and hundreds. Many people also like to keep several rolls of coins on hand as well.

    6. Chapstick

    This one usually gets a few eyerolls but chapped lips and other areas of dry skin can be painful and can lead to worsening sores. Chapstick will help to prevent that issue by being used as a lotion and it can also be used as a fire starter or an improvised lube for gear.

    7. Dry Bags


    Dry Bags provide you with a quick, easy, and effective way of keeping important items dry in wet conditions. You may be able to get away with using heavy-duty trash bags but ultimately, a quality dry bag will be much more durable.

    8. Eating Utensil

    You probably aren’t going to forget to pack some canned goods, or emergency food in your kit but an eating utensil can be easily overlooked. Disposable utensils are too flimsy and can easily break so get a backpacking utensil or spork. It will hold up and can be reused over and over again.

    9. Electrolyte Packet

    It's really easy to become dehydrated, especially during an emergency, and this isn't just the loss of water but the imbalance of electrolytes. Pre-made electrolyte packets make it easy to stay in balance or you can learn to make a homemade version by clicking on this video.

    10. Emergency Whistle

    When an emergency happens there are two basic ways to get the attention of someone who can help you.  Using audio signals or visual signals. An emergency whistle is a great tool for sounding the alarm over a long distance without exerting much effort.

    11. Glow Sticks

    Glow sticks are a great backup light source. They don’t require any batteries or a power source like a flashlight or lamp, and they don’t pose a fire safety risk like candles. They provide just enough light so you can see your way without being overly bright.

    12. Hand Sanitizer

    Not only does hand sanitizer help you to conserve water while keeping your hands clean, but it also makes a great fire-starting aid.

    13. Magnifying Glass

    A small magnifying glass doesn’t take up much space and it will help you to read the fine print, it can have first aid applications and it can be used to start a fire.

    14. Manual Can Opener

    A manual can opener is a super easy item to forget but if the power goes out how else are you planning on opening up all those stored canned goods? It’s a good idea to not just pack one of these, but several.

    15. Nail clipper

    Keeping your nails trimmed and clean is more important than you may think. Nail clippers are the best tool for this job plus they do have some first aid applications and can be used to trim up fishing lines or sewing thread.

    16. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

    Some advertisements of people after or during a disaster are depicted as the person looking cool with their sunglasses covering their faces. In reality, they should be covered from head to toe in PPE. This includes items such as eye protection, hard hats, helmets, elbow pads, knee pads, work gloves, rubber gloves, hazmat suits, and face shields.

    17. Safety Pins

    Not just for sewing, safety pins can be used in first aid applications, holding two items together, pushing small buttons, and as improvised fishing hooks.

    18. Sewing Kit

    You don’t realize how important a sewing kit is until you have holes or tears in your clothing and gear. You can purchase a small kit or make one yourself, just be sure to have a variety of different needles, thread, and patching materials.

    19. Sharpening Tools

    Every emergency kit should have some type of cutting, chopping, or sawing tool in it. Ideally, it should have all three. Having any one of these tools means you should also have the appropriate sharpener to go with it.

    This will allow you to keep your tools in good working order. Sharpening tools to consider include puck sharpeners, Arkansas stones, metal files, chainsaw or saw blade sharpeners, ceramic rods, diamond rods, pocket sharpeners, and a leather strop.

    20. Shemagh


    You can think of a shemagh as the big brother to the bandana. Not only is it bigger it also has more applications such as a face mask or an arm sling.

    21. Shoelaces

    Shoe laces or boot laces take up hardly any space at all so it's a good idea to have several extra pairs of them. Why? Because if there is any walking, hiking, or climbing in your future, it’s not going to be fun or safe to do so with a pair of broken laces.

    22. Signal Mirror

    When you need a visual cue to get someone’s attention, a signaling mirror is a great tool to use during the daytime. They are small, easy to use, and can be seen over many miles.

    23. Stationary

    A pad of paper, pencil, ballpoint pen, and permanent marker will allow you to record important information or observations about your situation. It also gives you the ability to relay that information to others.

    24. Survival Fishing Kit


    This one might seem like an obvious thing to have but believe it or not some people could care less about having one as they prefer to hunt or trap for food. The truth of the matter is that fishing supplies are quite versatile because they can be used for trapping as well as fishing and generally speaking, fishing is much safer and more energy efficient.

    25. Tiny Survival Guide

    We like to think that we are ready for anything but when a disaster or emergency happens, it can be hard to remember everything we need to remember in the heat and stress of the moment. A pocket survival guide can always be with you so that you don’t always have to remember everything.

    26. Tourniquet

    Everyone thinks that a general first aid kit will serve them after a disaster situation. Sorry to say that’s not true and you should really be packing something more robust and certainly have a few tourniquets available because it is likely you will be dealing with more than some papercuts and little splinters.

    27. Trash Bags 

    Sometimes you don’t need an expensive specialty item. Sometimes all you need is a simple trash bag, yet a simple trash bag can be highly versatile. Because of this, we recommend getting yourself two different kinds. Heavy duty trash bags for tougher jobs, and regular kitchen-style bags for when you need light containment.

    28. Water Key


    These tools are especially important to have in any urban emergency kit. Many modern buildings that have outdoor water faucets have been retrofitted to be turned on and off with a tool that looks a lot like a miniature four-way wrench. This little wrench is called a sillcock key or water key and every emergency kit should have one.

    End Of The List

    Well, there you have it. A list of some of the most forgettable but also some of the most important items that you don’t want to forget to pack into your emergency kit. Be sure to use the above list as a jumping-off point and a checklist for your emergency kit. Don’t forget to add anything else you think is important to the list so that you are better prepared for an emergency.

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