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    3 Animals Every New Homestead Needs

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    3 Animals Every New Homestead Needs

    When people talk about homestead animals, they're usually referring to cows, goats, pigs, and other livestock. But in this video from Becky's Homestead, she talks about a few other animals that every homestead should have.

    For example, cats are great to have around because they keep mice and rats away. Also, livestock feed tends to attract small animals like squirrels, and cats keep those away as well. Cats are very inexpensive to buy and feed (especially since they can catch a lot of their own food), so they're well worth the investment.

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    Watch the video below to learn about more essential homestead animals and tips for raising them.

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      4 thoughts on “3 Animals Every New Homestead Needs”

      1. I think the 4th animal depends on your goals for your homestead. If your goal is total self-sufficiency then goats and sheep would be next. Goats for their milk (cheese, yogurt, drinking milk, meat from male offspring) and sheep for both their wool for yarn/clothing and meat of offspring. Since sheep eat anything they will help keep the pasture clear of weeds. Both animals are small enough for a woman to handle (unlike a full grown cow who needs several men to wrestle to the ground if something is wrong)

        Be sure to learn how to deal with the most common problems any animal might have on the homestead by yourself….save you a LOT of money in vet bills. And for heaven’s sake don’t name those you are raising for meat. You can eat an extra male goat or sheep, but you can’t eat Billy or Rambler.

        • Goats are fantastic. Unlike cattle, as mentioned because of their size, they do not eat vegetation to the ground unless perhaps forced to to survive. They don’t graze, they nibble/forage more like deer. They totally love blackberries and will clean out perhaps an unwanted thicket if given access.

          Guinea hens are the No.#1 alarm system. Great foragers, meaning less purchased feed, they gobble up bugs They quickly learn your car and will sound the alarm day or night if an intruder (even your best friend) approaches.

      2. I love your video, great advise. I would say goats as your fourth animal for the milk and all its value to the homestead.


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