How to Grow and Harvest Ginger
Ginger is easy to grow and harvest. It is unique in its flavor and can be used to treat nausea, indigestion, and many other ailments.
Ginger is easy to grow and harvest. It is unique in its flavor and can be used to treat nausea, indigestion, and many other ailments.
Though this plant is sometimes known as a weed, learning about the benefits might make you reconsider eliminating it from your garden.
Stevia is a natural sweetener that has popped up in both community gardens and homesteads alike. Here’s how to grow and extract it.
Foraging for wild edibles is hard enough already, but in winter it’s a real challenge. Fortunately, some plants will surprise you.
Growing medicinal herbs in your home can help you create an all-natural apothecary that will be ready anytime you need healing.
Turmeric can be used in many different ways to help prevent and treat both internal and external health problems.
The first freeze wipes out many herbs. Here’s how to save the best of the bunch and preserve them for the months ahead.
Even if you have a very shady space, you can still grow lots of herbs with medicinal benefits. There are many herbs that grow well in shade.
Yarrow is one of the oldest medicinal herbs, dating back thousands of years and used for various ailments. Here’s how to use it.
Witch hazel has a long and storied history as a remedy for skin afflictions and much more. Here’s how to grow and use it.