17 Reasons to Stockpile Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a valuable spice that offers many health benefits. Historical records trace its use as a medicine to ancient times.
Cinnamon is a valuable spice that offers many health benefits. Historical records trace its use as a medicine to ancient times.
Here are my favorite remedies to put in a medicinal first aid kit. Most of these herbal remedies are available at a well-stocked health-food store.
There’s another side to wild foraging in certain plants with unique properties. These plants fall into the category of superfoods. #homesteadsurvivalsite #superfoods #wildedibles #foraging #healthyfood
This video talks about types of basil and tips on how to grow it. They also briefly discuss five other benefits of and uses for basil. #homesteadsurvivalsite #basil #herbalremedies #herbalmedicine #usesforbasil
Tea tree oil can be a valuable addition to your medicine cabinet and cleaning supplies. Here are fifteen ways to use it and how. #homesteadsurvivalsite #teatreeoil #teatreeoiluses #essentialoils #naturalmedicine
Plantain is a cure for rashes, burns, bug bites, and so much more. So many people have no idea that a miracle weed is growing in their backyard.
Rashes from exposure to poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac are very itchy and uncomfortable. Here are some tips and natural home remedies.
Bug spray may work, but it’s also sticky and smelly. That’s why investing in herbs and flowers that repel mosquitoes is a better option.
There are many natural remedies to speed up the healing process and prevent infection. We’ll take a look at some natural ways to help wounds heal faster.
Here are some of our favorite old wives’ tales from the 1800s. We make no distinction between fact and fiction, so try them at your own risk.