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    Homesteader’s Secret Cleaner Recipes

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    Homesteader's Secret Cleaner Recipes

    A few months ago, my neighbor died of cancer. I didn't know her very well, but I knew this: she was a health nut. Even though she was in her mid-fifties, she could have passed for 40. She exercised, did yoga, ate healthy foods, and didn't have any bad habits that I knew of.

    So it made me wonder, why would someone like her get cancer? One can only speculate. Technically anyone, no matter how healthy, can get cancer. But usually, there are things in our environment that trigger it. So what was in her environment?

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    The first time I visited her, she was spraying the kitchen counter with bleach spray and scrubbing it. No big deal. The next time I visited, she felt compelled to spray the coffee table with dusting spray and wipe it clean. I thought it looked clean enough already. She would shampoo her carpets almost every week, and her bathrooms always reeked of chemicals. She was a neat freak.

    So did all those unnatural chemicals give her cancer? Maybe, maybe not. I don't know. But it just reminds me why I try to live a natural lifestyle. Humans weren't meant to breathe air filled with all sorts of chemicals created in a lab.

    This is why I've been using homemade cleaners for a long time. The ingredients are much simpler, and I can be sure there are few, if any, carcinogens floating around my house.

    In this video, Stacy from Off Grid with Doug & Stacy shares some of her homemade cleaner recipes. She uses vinegar, lemon juice, and cream of tartar for several different things.

    For example, if you mix one part cream of tartar and one part lemon juice to form a paste, you can use it for scrubbing stains.

    You can also mix a little bit of cream of tartar with vinegar to create an all-purpose cleaner. This is great for sinks and bathtubs.

    For really tough stains, you put some cream of tartar on the stain, let it sit, then spray it with hydrogen peroxide and scrub it.

    Watch the video below for more ideas:

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