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    15 Surprising Uses for Aspirin

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    15 Surprising Uses for Aspirin

    Most of us have a bottle of aspirin in our medicine cabinets. As a time-honored pain reliever, aspirin is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is commonly used to help alleviate moderate pain associated with headaches, inflammation, and arthritis.

    Aspirin contains salicylate, a compound in the bark of willow and myrtle trees. The Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates wrote about using willow bark to relieve his patient's pain and fevers.

    But did you know there are numerous other uses for aspirin other than swallowing down a tablet or two with a glass of water for pain relief? We've put together a list of some of the ways you can use it that might surprise you.

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    1. Remove perspiration stains and odor from clothing

    You can use aspirin to pre-treat clothing stains before laundering. The salicylic acid in aspirin works to break down the compounds found in sweat stains and neutralize any lingering odors.

    Mix three crushed aspirins with a half-cup of warm water in a bowl to form a paste. Then apply the paste to the stain and let it sit for about two hours before laundering as usual. The aspirin paste also works well on grass stains.

    2. Patch drywall holes

    You can also use an aspirin paste to patch small holes, including nail holes, in drywall. The paste is strong and has adhesive properties, so you can use it just as you do spackle.

    3. Get rid of rust stains

    Try removing unsightly rust stains from the bathtub or sink with an aspirin paste. Make the paste with several crushed aspirin tablets and warm water and apply it to the stain. Leave it on for about 20 minutes or so before wiping it clean. Another application may be needed for tough stains.

    4.   Soothe insect bites and sunburn

    The anti-inflammatory properties of aspirin make it work well to reduce the itch and pain of bug bites and the discomfort of minor sunburn. Apply the paste you make with a few crushed aspirin and water to the area.

    Leave the paste there for a few minutes before gently wiping it away. You can also dampen an uncoated aspirin tablet and hold it to the affected area for a few minutes for quick relief.

    5. Remove soap scum

    You can also use an aspirin paste to remove soap scum and grime on kitchen and bathroom counters. The mixture works as an abrasive cleanser, so take care when applying it to delicate surfaces.

    6. Keep plants healthy

    When you dissolve a few aspirin tablets in your watering can, you can help your indoor and outdoor plants fight off fungus. The acid in aspirin helps boost your plant's natural defenses against disease and pests.

    7. Keep cut flowers looking fresh

    Try adding a crushed aspirin tablet to your flower vase water. The salicylic acid helps cut flowers last longer and slows mold growth on their stems.

    8. Treat skin blemishes

    An aspirin paste applied to inflamed skin helps unclog pores, remove excess oil, and shed dead skin cells on the surface layer. It also reduces redness and swelling. Apply the paste to the affected area, leaving it on for about 10 minutes. Then gently wash away with warm water.

    9. Soothe irritation from piercings

    You can aid the healing process after a piercing by applying a small amount of aspirin paste to the irritated area. The chemical properties of aspirin help encourage blood flow to the site.

    10. Rejuvenate damaged hair

    Swimming in a chlorinated pool can damage your hair and even change your hair color. (Can you say green hair, anyone?)  Try applying an aspirin paste to your damaged hair as a conditioner. Work the paste through your hair and leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.

    11. Soften calluses

    To soften and help heal calluses on your hands or feet, make a paste with several aspirins, a half teaspoon of lemon juice, and a half teaspoon of water. Rub the paste on the affected skin before covering with a soft glove or sock. After about 15 minutes, wash away the paste and gently rub the softened calluses with a pumice stone.

    12. Fight dandruff

    You can use aspirin tablets to help remove dead skin and flakes on your scalp. In fact, the salicylic acid found in aspirin is an ingredient in many dandruff shampoos.

    All you need to do is mix several crushed aspirins into the amount of shampoo you use for a regular wash. Massage the mixture into your hair, paying particular attention to your scalp. Allow it to work for three minutes or so before rinsing well.

    13. Treat ingrown hairs

    An ingrown hair bump can be painful and unsightly. Once again, an aspirin paste can come to the rescue. Simply apply the aspirin paste to the area and allow it to stay there for about 10 minutes. The salicylic acid in the aspirin helps reduce swelling and inflammation and eliminate any dead skin cells caused by ingrown hair.

    14. Keep mold at bay

    You can prevent mold growth in the dark, damp places of your home with aspirin. Just put a few tablets on high shelves (away from the reach of children) to help decrease the moisture levels that can lead to mold growth. Replace with fresh tablets every couple of months or as needed.

    15. Boost dead car battery

    Here's an aspirin use that could really come in handy one day. If you find yourself stranded with a dead car battery, you might be able to get one last charge by dropping two aspirin into the battery cell. When the salicylic acid from the aspirin combines with the battery's sulfuric acid, you should be able to get enough juice to get you to a service station.

    Here's a final note. We recommend you use only uncoated, unflavored aspirin (like this) for the above uses.

    That way, the tablets are easier to crush and mix, and you won't have to worry about any extra substances or ingredients that could interfere with how the aspirin does its job.

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      5 thoughts on “15 Surprising Uses for Aspirin”

      1. I’ve been around for a very long time, mostly in ‘pioneer’-type, and have ALWAYS found ways and means of doing things (mostly to maintain my independence). Consequently I’ve come up with all sorts of invention and innovation. I’ve also (due to lifestyle and a proclivity for injury of all sorts, and current age-related reasons) eaten about 15 tons of asprin: a gift from the gods! But here I find a whole new chapter of asprin uses, and there’s just one word for the revelation: BLOODY BRILLIANT!

      2. PS: Afterthought:- How many asprin do I need (and how would I apply them) to help keep my girlfriend happy more often?? (TOLD you I was getting old! 😉


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