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    10 Homestead Passive Income Ideas

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    10 Homestead Passive Income Ideas

    A couple years ago, we published an article about how to make money with your homestead. And just last week, we published a piece about how to make $1000 a month as a homesteader.

    However, the tips in these articles are about active income, not passive income. Active income is where you do the work and get paid immediately (or at least within a few weeks). It's how most jobs work.

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    Passive income, on the other hand, is where you continue to get paid over time, even when you stop working. Now to be clear, passive income does not require less work than active income. In fact, passive income often requires much more work in the beginning. But in the long run, you're better off.

    If you're still confused, check out this list of passive income ideas for homesteaders. It's from the Youtube channel, Better Together Life. As you'll see, some of these ideas will require a lot of effort at first. But over time, they will pay off in a big way.

    Here are his ideas:

    1. Start a Youtube channel and make money from Google Adsense.
    2. Take photos of your property and sell them to stock footage companies.
    3. Make and sell herbal remedies and essential oils.
    4. Propagate cuttings from trees, then grow and sell them.
    5. Write and sell an ebook on Amazon or your own website.
    6. Create an online course and sell it on sites like Skillshare.
    7. Affiliate marketing. Try out products and promote the ones you like for a commission.
    8. Make and sell a documentary about a season on your homestead.
    9. Rent out portions of your land to small farmers or people who want quiet getaways.
    10. Build a social media following and start a Patreon account.

    Watch the video below for more info on these ideas.

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