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    How to Cut Your Chicken Feed Bill by 25%

    How to Cut Your Chicken Feed Bill by 25%

    Want to keep your chickens fed and healthy for as little money as possible? In this video, Justin Rhodes explains how to cut your chicken feed bill by 25%. #homesteadsurvivalsite #raisingchickens #keepingchickens #chickenfeed #livestock

    25 Surprising Uses For Borax

    25 Reasons To Stockpile Borax

    Borax can be used to wash clothes, clean cookware, unclog drains, nourish fruit trees, keep pests away, deodorize mattresses, and much more. #homesteadsurvivalsite #borax #usesforborax #natural #cleaningtips

    10 Homestead Passive Income Ideas

    10 Homestead Passive Income Ideas

    There are many things homesteaders can do to generate passive income. They will take a lot of work at first, but they will pay off in the long run. #homesteadsurvivalsite #homesteading #makemoney #passiveincome #homestead