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    How Much Does Living On A Homestead Cost?

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    How Much Does Living On A Homestead Cost?

    You might assume that homestead living will cost less than life in the big city, but not necessarily. You still have to be mindful of how you spend your money.

    The fact is, there are some key decisions you must make in order to make homestead living affordable. And that's the topic of this video by Becky's Homestead. Here are some of her suggestions…

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    Keep Overhead Low

    Look for ways to always keep your monthly bills low. That starts with a little house that’s easy to pay off so you can live mortgage-free.

    You'll still have to pay real estate taxes, but it’s not as bad as the monthly principal and interest that comes with a mortgage. It also helps to find a place in a county with low real estate taxes.

    Drive Modestly

    Everyone needs a car or a truck, but a modest car will cost less to insure, repair, and maintain. And if you pay it off as well, that’s another reduction in monthly costs.

    Think Small, Small, Small

    Consider your total acreage . Don’t buy more than you need. That’s another way to reduce your tax burden. The same applies to the size of your house. You want to be comfortable, but bigger isn’t better if you’re trying to live frugally.

    Keep your house size down to the bare minimum. Just as important, a smaller house costs less to heat, less to cool, and uses less electricity. Small is big when it comes to saving money.

    Keep it Simple, Simple, Simple

    It’s tempting when you first make the move to a homesteading lifestyle to want to acquire all the things you imagined you could have. That desire can put you back into the rat race lifestyle many people are trying to leave.

    Remember, everything you add has the potential to add to your expenses in terms of maintenance, upkeep, and repair. The best solution is to keep it simple.

    Go Slow, Slow, Slow

    And build as you go. A lot of homesteading is about acquiring skills . As you learn and grow, your homestead will grow; but it will grow with you, not against you.

    Making the Move to Homesteading

    The disciplines you pursue as a homesteader should begin before you leave the city. Start by living below your means. You may not be able to save a lot at first, but in time your nest egg will grow.

    As your savings accumulate, you can start to look into buying land, but it helps to start thinking and acting like a homesteader before you become one . Ultimately, you’ll find yourself in that happy place called your homestead and the good feelings will stay with you every day.

    For a more detailed look at the cost of homestead living, be sure to watch the video below.

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