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    The Ultimate Rainwater Harvesting System

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    The Ultimate Rainwater Harvesting System

    If you want to be as self-reliant as possible, one of the most important things you can do is figure out where to get your water from. If you're lucky, you have a stream or a reliable well on your property. Otherwise, you should look into a rainwater harvesting system.

    I've seen a lot of cool setups, both in person and online, but the one in this video by Homesteadonomics takes it to a whole new level. His system can hold about 11,500 pounds and accounts for 90% of his family's water.

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    In this tour, not only does he show off his system, he takes the time to explain how it all works. The rain hits a corrugated metal roof, goes through the gutters, down the PVC pipes, and into the holding tanks. Some of the water is diverted over to a 5,000-gallon rain tank. He uses both gravity and a small electric pump to transfer the water.

    There's plenty more but I don't want to spoil the whole video. You can watch it all below.

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      4 thoughts on “The Ultimate Rainwater Harvesting System”

      1. Absolutely fabulous I don’t need such a well devised setup but has given me some really amazing idea’s on how to take the strain in watering my quite large but well planted garden
        Thankyou the effort required must have been enormous but well worth it
        Kindest regards
        Julie x

      2. Hi, I collect rain water from roof front and back and use that water for my garden. It saves lots of money and city of Kitchener is very happy with me and charge less for my household system. Best and easy to do.

      3. A great set up but would like to know what grade he set his underground pipes. The reason for asking is why would you need to flush the system if there is adequate grade. the cleaning would only be required of the brown tank which he does on a regular basis. Also notice he used short 90 degree bends, I think long sweep 90’s would have been better.


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