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    17 Items To Get Before Societal Collapse

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    17 Items To Get Before Societal Collapse

    If the past few years have proven anything, it's that societal collapse is very possible. This pandemic was pretty mild compared to what could have happened, and yet it pushed our country into a recession overnight and disrupted supply chains for years.

    If another black swan event happens like a bird flu pandemic or World War III, your window for buying essential items will be gone. That’s why you need to stockpile the essentials while you still can. The idea is that you will have everything on hand so you don’t need to barter for anything, at least not for a long time.

    Here are some items you should get before society breaks down.

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    Alcohol lasts forever, everyone wants it (making it a valuable barter item), and it can serve as a morale booster as well.


    Candles provide a cheap and easy way to get a small fire going to bring light and heat into a room. You could even cook food over a small series of candles if you had to.

    Communication Devices

    Think radios, walkie-talkies, and even satellite phones. In a situation where cell towers are down, being able to communicate with others or receive information about what’s happening can be vital. Stock up on devices that can operate independently of the traditional networks.


    By this I mean batteries and renewable power supplies to generate your own electricity. You can even generate income by allowing other people to plug into your own solar grid so they can generate their own electricity as well.

    Fire Starting Materials

    Matches and lighters are going to run out very fast once the grid collapses. Buy magnesium flint strikers, lighters, lighter fluids, and matches now while you still can.

    Fishing Line

    Fishing line, hooks, bait, rods, lures, and so on will be very valuable to have. Fish are an excellent source of protein and can be easy to catch as well.

    Freeze-Dried Food

    Freeze-dried food is stored in smaller sealed packages that can last for years at normal room temperature. Quality freeze-dried foods will be better than normal MRE’s because they are cheaper too.

    Insect Repellent

    Insect repellent is actually something that could save your life because mosquitos and other flying insects can carry deadly diseases that could become widespread.


    Multivitamins are crucial for maintaining health when your diet may not be as balanced as usual. They can fill nutritional gaps and keep your immune system strong, which is essential in times of crisis.

    Nails, Screws, Tape, and Glue

    In other words, anything that can bind other things together. These are essential for making repairs or for construction purposes.


    Sandbags are an imperative defensive fortification because they offer you cover and a way to absorb incoming bullets. For the most efficient storage, store the bags and the sand separately, then fill and set them up once things get rough.


    Soap and other general hygiene products will be of the utmost importance to keep up immunity and avoid contracting diseases. Soap bars with limited additives are a cheap option to stockpile in bulk.

    Socks and Underwear

    Socks and underwear are unique among clothing in that they wear out fast. Socks, for instance, can barely last a month. Buy these in bulk now.

    Sugar, Salt, and Honey

    While not critical to survival, sugar, salt, and honey can be used to add flavor to food. This will help boost morale, and it will likely be something you can barter with as well.


    Tarps are incredibly versatile and can be used for shelter, collecting rainwater, or even as a makeshift stretcher. Their durability and ease of use make them an indispensable item to have on hand when the usual comforts are no longer available.

    Toilet Paper

    You probably expected to see this on the list. Toilet paper will go quickly as it did before, so buy it now while you are able to.

    Water Filters

    Water is life, and having a portable water filter can be a game-changer when public water systems are compromised. These filters allow you to turn almost any water source into drinkable water, significantly increasing your chances of survival.

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      69 thoughts on “17 Items To Get Before Societal Collapse”

      1. You can thank the N.R.A. for the need of having sand bags to protect you from gunfire. They have increased the sale of weapons like the Ar-15 and the Ak-47. I’ve never understood why anyone would need to own one of them. An M-1 is an effective deer hunting rifle.
        The prepper who wants to own an AR-15 might believe that N.Korea is capable of nuking St.Louis. Or that the U.N. will someday invade the U.S.

      2. I’d add thread/string/rope/cables/chain. I’ve homesteaded for 15 years and it’s hard to replicate these binding items from nature. Unlike glue, won’t dry out. Chains for towing, rope for a thousand uses, string or twine for agricultural uses, thread for mending clothes. Save your twist ties and rubber bands that come with purchases.

        • Learn to spin fiber and you can make your own thread, string, twine and yes even rope can be made from natural fibers. Hemp, nettles, flax are just a few.

      3. One potential cause for a societal collapse is the way the White House’s response to GLOBAL WARMING and the VIRUS EPIDEMIC.

        • Elbert Jones: Don’t forget tonight’s meeting of the Flat Earth Society
          and tomorrow’s meeting of Citizens Against Chem Trails.

          • Do yourself a favor and quit watching CNN and other fake news sources. Your installed president is the definition of EPIC FAILURE. Putin would’ve never invaded Ukraine if President Trump was in office. Stealing elections has CONSEQUENCES.

        • Elbert… I’m beginning to see a trend here… would you like a recommendation for professional assistance for your Trump Derangement Syndrome?

        • Do you really believe that it’s up to the United States of America to do it all for Global Warming? We’re the top country for preserving natural resources while hundreds of other countries do nothing at all about global warming. China does little to even worry about global warming! Wearing a face mask doesn’t bother them because they’ve worn masks for years because of the air pollution being so terrible!

        • They quit calling it Global Warming because it was proven to be a hoax. So they changed the name to Climate Change, hoping people would forget about Global Warming being a hoax. Which is what it is, a hoax.

      4. If you are going to stock up on booze. Fifths are great for you and your’s. But to barter try stocking up on the airplane size bottles and/or pints. You can always pack the smaller sizes in your bug out bags and not feel weighted down. And with the smaller bottles you can stock a variety of taste/

      5. Hardly anyone mentions canning and preserving supplies either in these list, but having the ability and gear to put up food you grow or hunt is essential in a short or long term survival setting. You can grow pounds of tomatoes in buckets but if you don’t have a means of preserving the ones you can’t immediately use, you have unnecessary waste.
        It’s like having a box of band aids, and not thinking what you are going to do when that dozen or so run out??? Survival thinking and planning must extend beyond the 60-90 day plans we normally associate with our daily purchasing and usage planning. It is a mind set many cannot seem to grasp, and get caught short in a reality based event.

      6. So what does every one really think? Do we really stand a chance at seviving all that the BIg WORD OF GOD SAYS IS GOING TO TAKE PLACE? Do ya think he’s full of hog wash too?
        Got news for everyone of ya… We’ll either make it by the grace of God or we’ll be taken in the blind of an eye and there is nothing no one can do about it. So live each day as though it’s your last and pray every night for another tomarrow and everything will come together as it is suppose to when it’s suppose to.

      7. Pres. Biden has been in office for a little over six months. Have you noticed that The SHIT HAS NOT TOTALLY HIT THE FAN YET? Have you noticed that the U.S. is not experiencing triple digit INFLATION YET. Has the stock market lost 15,000 points in one day yet?
        Have you noticed how many people got their COVID vaccinations during his first 100 days in office?

      8. The second amendment does not define what weapon is and is not allowed, it restricts the government’s ability to disarm us of any of our weapons.

      9. When the second amendment was written; rapid fire firearms had not been invented yet. Plus everyone had to hunt for their dinner.

        • When the first amendment was written; telephones, email, and the internet weren’t invented so I guess those mediums of speech aren’t covered.

          We’re not giving up our guns so move on!!!

      10. When the capital got invaded recently; did you notice That only WHITE people were the involved in the riot? Or that a BLACK security officer helped save Vice Pres. Pence’s life?

        • Ok, so you are saying that the rioters where Trump supporters but yet they were after Pence????? That really doesn’t make much sense now does it. You also said no one needs an AR15 but you want to use an M-! to hunt!??? Why? You can hunt with a Sling shot or a bow if you are good enough. Would you like some lessons? I have a 21 year old niece that could probably out shoot you any day of the week with any weapon of your choosing.

          You are definitely a few bricks shy of a full load aren’t you, Hahahaha!!!!!

        • Only an anti American would vote for a Demoncrap. They’re pushing a tyrannical Marxist government and promoting sexual deviants. Fact. Everything Biden has touched has been a disaster on purpose. Biden took showers with his 12 year old daughter which is another fact. This was written by his daughter in her diary. It’ll take Trump or DeSantis to clean this mess up, and it’ll take time to clean it up as well.

        • Enough is enough. Hunting for food after a problem serious enough to cause people to run around hunting for food is going to last about a week! Then the real fun will begin – Canabalism! I was (among many other things) a survival instructor in the USMC a long time ago – so listen and think carefully! When people get real hungry, they can get real mean. Mean enough to start running around and hunting any kind of food you can think of, and guess what’s on the menu. Give up my guns? I don’t think so. If things get bad enough to where there is no more protein available, things are going to go nightmare real fast. Nuff said – think real careful about what you say and do!

      11. Has society in America totally collapsed lately? Has the second amendment been repealed? Has the national inflation rate reached 10% or more?

        • Inflation is about 12% right now, but things are going to get a lot worse than they are now. By the time 2024 gets here, if you’re still supporting Communist Democrats then you’re either dead or in a mental institution.

      12. Has Amer.Sociey collasped since the republican LOST every major election since 2020?
        Have there been any massive Fed. firearm confiscations?
        Have the Russians defeated the Ukrainians yet.?
        Have any of the STOLEN elections been overturned yet?
        Has the stock market totally collapsed yet?
        Has our inflation rate reached 15% yet?

        I am looking forward to the 2023 Congress to be sworn in. The Democrats have a total majority in the Senate. The House is going to be overrun with Insane trump supporters. Do you actually think they’ll actually get any serious work done? The inmates are taking over the asylum.

        • I’ll bet your therapist will buy another home or luxury car on what your paying him for you numerous sessions. Hopefully soon you’ll be able to get your mind straightened out and see the truth.

        • Democrats are the most ignorant and uninformed creatures on the planet. They couldn’t get the jab quick enough and wanted to incarcerate those that knew better. Biden is still pushing the jab in spite of all the people it’s killed. Putin would’ve never invaded Ukraine if President Trump was in office and everyone knows it. Biden has made this country the laughing stock of the world. Fact. We can’t get anyone to join the military because of Woke and mandatory jabs, and most of all, nobody wants to serve under Biden. Other countries militaries have WARRIORS, our military is WOKE, that’s why our enemies have no respect whatsoever for Biden. Fact. The current installed regime is the definition of EPIC FAILURE, and every intelligent person in America knows it. This is easily the most corrupt, incompetent, and the most embarrassing regime in American history.

        • I cannot take it any more. I am mad as hell, so everyone shut the hell up. Leave politics out of it. Just answer the original question. “What ideas do we have or unusual items we should stockpile?

          Batteries and flashlights I have and would tell others to include. This must, in my opinion, include a headlamp with a white and red light options.

      13. Your all start starring mad! Be you left or right you all think that to be American puts you above every body else. It does not, your no different from any other nation. Preparing to try and survive any form of social collapse should be about trying to work together for the good of every body, not planning to shot each other. GET REAL, forget politics and plan to work as a community to survive.

      14. People, people, people…..

        I think this article was supposed to look at and discuss things that you might want to consider having in place prior to an event that might make them become unavailable. I did not see anywhere in the text anything that invited a political discussion.

        Get a grip, people. As my father used to say, “Son, it is better to sit quietly on the side and look stupid, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

        He was a wise man.

        • Amen! WHO is this Jones idiot? America is going down the drain while Biden sold out the country to China! How does a Senator making a salary of less than $200,000 a year become a multi millionaire & owning multiple million dollar homes? Have never in my entire life seen so many stupid gullible Americans!! No lessons learned only idiots.

      15. How many of you are trump supporters? Did you know that all the MAGA stuff was MADE IN CHINA. Why wasn’t it made in America?
        I am not being treated for a mental condition Ray M.
        Has Amer. society collapsed yet? I am old enough to remember the inflation mess that happened when Nixon was president. Has our inflation gotten that bad?
        Calif. is bringing a lawsuit against trump. He was the President when the 1/6/2021 riot took place. Trump violated his oath of office by either inciting the riot. or not ending it quickly. If proven guilty; his name will not be allowed to be on the 2024 Presidential ballot. I’d like to see him win the Election with all the Calif. votes.

      16. When the second amendment was written; it took about several minutes to fire and reload a rifle twice.
        The amendment needs to be UPDATED.
        Gen. Custer lost the battle of little Big Horn because of one reason: The Indians legally obtained lever action rifles. The U.S. Cavalry were not issued them. Their commanders believed those rifles wasted ammo.

        • This is what they want!! Divide and conquer! Everyone stop playing into it! Regardless who is president; when shed! WE are on our own. So unless we can agree to disagree and work together to survive it’s gonna be bad for everyone involved!!

        • So you don’t think Custer having several hundred soldiers in three separate units and the real Americans having several thousand made a difference? Hmmm!!! I guess my military training was all wrong.

      17. Has the G.O.P. controlled House passed any serious legislation lately? Are they still trying to shut down the Fed. Govt. ?
        Has the stock market had a 45% downturn yet?


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