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    32 Amazing Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

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    32 Amazing Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar, or ACV, is used for cooking, home remedies, and cleaning. It’s probably been around since 5000 B.C., when Babylonians first made vinegar from the fruit of a date palm. As a form of medicine, apple cider vinegar has been in use since around 400 B.C., when it was used for all kinds of health issues, including the common cough and cold. 

    Do you think it’s an old wives tale? Or is this the real deal? Let’s take a look at these uses for apple cider vinegar and its benefits. 

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    What is Apple Cider Vinegar? 

    The word vinegar comes from the Latin words meaning “sour wine.” ACV is a popular type of vinegar. It is vinegar that has been made with crushed, fermented apples, sugar, and yeast. The best ACV is sold ‘with the mother.’

    Vinegar with the mother means the good bacteria has not been filtered out. This type of apple cider vinegar is typically more expensive than filtered, food-grade vinegar. 

    Home Remedies that Use ACV 

    There are a number of home remedies that use apple cider vinegar. Keep in mind that these are traditional uses for ACV and that there may not be scientific studies to back them up. You should always check with your pharmacist and healthcare provider before trying any supplement.

    While apple cider vinegar is considered to be safe for most people, it can cause mouth or throat irritation or may interfere with certain medications or supplements. That being said, here are some home remedies you might see apple cider vinegar used in. 

    1.Acne Treatment

    Some people claim that ACV can treat acne. To try it for yourself, dilute one tablespoon of ACV in 3 to 4 tablespoons of water. Clean the affected area and apply with a cotton ball. You may need to dilute the ACV more if you have sensitive skin. 

    2. Blood Sugar 

    Limited studies indicate that 20ML of ACV MAY help to moderate blood sugar spikes after a meal, but do talk to your doctor first. 

    3. Dandruff Treatment

    The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar may help dandruff and other minor scalp conditions. Dilute a couple of tablespoons of ACV in warm water. Pour it over the scalp and massage it into your head to lower the pH of the scalp and reduce itchiness and dandruff. 

    4. Foot Soak 

    Stinky feet can be a big problem, especially in the summer. Add one part ACV to two parts warm water. Optionally, you can add a tablespoon of olive oil if your feet are dry. Soak feet in the solution and then rinse and dry to prevent odors. 

    5. Hair Rinse

    Rinse your hair with a cup of apple cider vinegar to leave it soft and shiny. Pour a cup of ACV over wet hair and allow it to dry. 

    6 Poison Ivy and Bug Bite Treatment

    While there is no scientific evidence to support this remedy, some people love to use diluted ACV to dry up a poison ivy rash or bug bite. Just dab a little bit of diluted ACV onto the affected area with a clean cotton ball. Keep in mind that it might sting! 

    7. Skin Toner

    Mix four tablespoons of water with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and shake well. Apply to skin with a cotton ball for a natural, hydrating skin toner. 

    8. Sore Throat Remedy 

    Some people claim that ACV can soothe a sore throat. Mix a tablespoon with 8 ounces of water and some honey to taste, then gargle. 

    9. Weight Loss and Appetite Control 

    Some people claim that a tablespoon full of ACV before every meal helps to curb appetites and promote weight loss. 

    Around the Home 

    10. Carpet Deodorizer

    Apply a solution of 50/50 water and apple cider vinegar to carpets to remove odors. Allow it to try, and then vacuum. Make sure you test it on a hidden spot first. 

    11. Cleaning Spray

    Mix one part water with one part apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle. Use it to clean windows, counters, floors, and other hard surfaces. It will clean and kill bacteria. Avoid using it on porous materials such as marble or wood. 

    12. Deodorizer

    Apple cider vinegar is a natural deodorizer around the home. Pour some ACV into a small bowl and let it sit out overnight to absorb and remove odors. 

    13. Dishwasher Cleaner 

    You can use apple cider vinegar to clean your dishwasher, especially if you have hard water. Pour a cup of ACV into a mug or dishwasher-safe bowl. Put it (right side up) in the top rack of an empty dishwasher.

    Run a normal cycle. When the cycle is finished, check the filters and remove any large particles. Your dishwasher will be cleaned and deodorized. 

    14. Fabric Softener

    Replace your fabric softener with a half cup of apple cider vinegar in your washing machine for softer fabrics. 

    15. Floor Cleaner 

    Mix ½ cup of apple cider vinegar in a bucket of hot water. It makes a great cleaning solution for no-wax floors. Mop your floors like you usually would. 

    16. Fruit Fly Traps 

    You can eliminate fruit flies with apple cider vinegar. Pour a half cup of ACV into a mason jar. Cover the jar with plastic wrap or Press N Seal and put the metal ring over the top. With a toothpick, poke holes in the plastic wrap. Fruit flies will enter the jar and not be able to leave. 

    17. Unclog Slow Drains

    If your drains are running slow and prone to clogging, you can try ACV to loosen the junk inside your pipes. First, pour one cup of baking soda down the drain. Then, pour a cup or two of ACV into the drain and then cover it with an old towel. Allow the chemical reaction to work its way through the pipes for half an hour, then flush with hot water. 

    On the Homestead 

    18. Disinfectant 

    Mix one part apple cider vinegar with one part water in a spray bottle to make an all-natural disinfectant to use around your homestead. You can kill mites and other germs in chicken nest boxes, bedding, and outbuildings around the homestead

    19. Dewormer

    Some homesteaders say you can deworm sheep by directly feeding them a mixture of 1 part water, 1 part ACV, and 1 part blackstrap molasses mixed with a teaspoon of garlic or ginger powder. 

    20. Flea Killer 

    To kill fleas on dogs, mix one part water to one part apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle. Shake well and spritz it directly on your dogs to kill fleas (you may want to check with your vet first).

    21. Jump Start Fermentation

    If you usually ferment your chicken feed, you can add a cup of apple cider vinegar to your fermentation bucket to jump-start fermentation and get the process started more quickly. 

    22. Supplement for Animals

    You can use ACV in the water of many of your homestead animals, such as rabbits, sheep, and chickens. Add about two tablespoons per gallon of water to support gut health and a healthy immune system. 

    23. Weed Killer 

    You can use undiluted apple cider vinegar to kill weeds. Just pour full-strength ACV right on the weed you want to kill. Keep in mind it could kill any plants it touches, so be careful using it around plants you want to keep. 

    In Cooking 

    24. Add Flavor 

    Apple cider vinegar has a mellow, fruity, tangy flavor. Add a tablespoon or two to sauces, dressings, and other recipes to add to the flavor profile. 

    25. Hard Boiled Eggs

    If your eggshells crack when boiling, you can add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to the water. This should prevent cracking during the cooking process. 

    26. Marinade 

    Marinade meats overnight in a bath of apple cider vinegar. It will both flavor and tenderize the meat. 

    27. Poached Eggs 

    Make amazing poached eggs with apple cider vinegar. Bring your pot of water to a boil and add a little bit of apple cider vinegar. Careful drop in your eggs – the acidity will help them congeal and stick together while they cook. 

    28. Preservative

    Vinegar has been used for many years to preserve food. You can use apple cider vinegar instead of white vinegar in many recipes. You’ll get the same preservative characteristics but with extra flavor for pickles or fermented vegetables. 

    29. Produce Rinse 

    Mix a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a large pot of water to clean produce. Soak your vegetables or fruit in the mixture, then rinse with water to remove dirt and germs. 

    30. Salad Dressing 

    Create your own salad dressing by drizzling apple cider vinegar and olive oil over your salad. Or, mix it together in a bottle: 3/4 cup olive oil, ¼ cup ACV, with two tablespoons of water, two tablespoons honey, and salt and pepper to taste.  Shake well and use as you would any other salad dressing. 

    31. Substitute for Buttermilk 

    If you don’t have buttermilk but need it for a remedy, you can make a close substitute. Pour one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a one-cup measuring cup. Pour in enough whole milk to make one cup. Allow it to sit for a few minutes before using it. 

    32. Substitute for Lemon

    Lemon is used in recipes for its tangy acidity. You can substitute apple cider vinegar, which has a tangy, fruity flavor, for most recipes that call for lemon juice. 

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