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    Chickens Not Laying Eggs? Here’s What To Do

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    Chickens Not Laying Eggs? Here’s What To Do

    Have your chickens been laying fewer eggs than they used to or stopped altogether? Some people think there's nothing they can do about this and that they'll just have to wait for their chickens to start producing more eggs again.

    Fortunately, that's not true at all. There are many things that could be causing your chickens' egg production to drop. The number one reason is stress. Yes, chickens get stressed out just like we do. So all you have to do is figure out what their stressors are and eliminate them.

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    In this video, Becky of Becky's Homestead talks about her chickens' low egg production, takes you on a tour of her chicken coop and points out things that need to be changed.

    For example, she had a problem where the older hens weren't letting the younger hens onto the roost at night. This meant the younger hens weren't sleeping well and were very tired. So during the day, they would get on the roost, which bothered the older hens who didn't like it when the younger ones were on the roost. To solve this problem, she had to build another roost.

    This is the kind of problem that a new chicken owner could easily overlook. Watch the video below to see some more reasons her chickens were under stress and what she did about them.

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