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    Build a DIY Planter Box

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    Build a DIY Planter Box

    Several years ago I spent $100 on a nice elevated planter box for my back porch. It looked really nice in my backyard, and I grew some of my favorite herbs in it.

    Then last week, I was looking through Youtube and I saw this video by Cottage Life, and I thought, “Hey, that looks a lot like my planter box.” So I clicked on the video, and yea, it's pretty much the same thing I have, only the materials probably only cost him $20. Figures.

    It goes to show that oftentimes, you can find a much cheaper way to get something you want, even if it means building yourself. This DIY project is fairly simple. It does involve some power tools, but just a table saw and a drill. Nothing too complicated. Here's how to build it.

    Things You Need:

    • 4 preasure treated fence boards
    • 2 2×2 pressure treated boards
    • Deck screws (1 5/8″)
    • Deck screws (2 1/2″)
    • Rocks
    • Soil

    How To Build It:

    1. Cut the four fence boards down to 3 feet.
    2. Cut a 2×2 board into four 14-inch legs.
    3. Screw the legs onto the sides with the 1 5/8″ deck screws.
    4. Use the remaining fence boards to cut four 12-inch pieces.
    5. Cut the other 2×2 into two 30-inch pieces (these are the rails).
    6. Push the two rails into the bottom. Screw them into place.
    7. Cut the rest of the other 2×2 into three 10 1/2 inch boards.
    8. Put these against the rails on the ends and in the middle.
    9. Screw them into place with the 2 1/2 inch screws (pre-drill the holes).
    10. Cut a fence board into two 3 foot pieces. These will lay on the bottom.
    11. Cut squares on the corners so they fit around the legs.
    12. Put them in place, and drill some holes into them for drainage.
    13. Add rocks, then add soil, and you're done!

    If your head hurts, no worries! Watch the video below to see him walk through these steps.

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