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    How to Feed a Family of Five for only $30 a Week

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    How to Feed a Family of Five for only $30 a Week

    We are currently experiencing one of the worst economic recessions in American history, and many people are being forced to spread each dollar as much as they can. If you have found yourself in the same boat, or if you anticipate things getting more financially difficult in the coming months, it’s important to learn how to feed your family without spending a fortune.

    As this video by The Bealles discusses, it is indeed possible to feed a family of five people for about $30 a week. The best kinds of meals to make on a budget for a larger family are cheaper meals that can feed a lot of people at once and provide plenty of foods for leftovers as well, such as soups.

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    In your cabinet or pantry, you’ll want to invest heavily in cheaper foods that can also accomplish this, and two of the best foods for this role are pasta and ramen. Pasta is dirt cheap, it’s nutritious, and it can be used to feed a lot of people at once. Pair it with hot sauce, and you have a complete meal.

    When it comes to breakfast, you can go with oatmeal, which is likewise cheap and can feed a lot of people as well.

    When it comes to your freezer, the cheapest kind of meat to invest in is chicken. Look for sales and deals at your local grocery store, then buy the chicken in bulk. Chicken breasts, thighs, and drumsticks can all be found for under $2 a pound if you keep an eye out for sales.

    The best thing about chicken is that it can be utilized in meals that feed a lot of people at once – examples include chicken tacos (all you need to go along with it are tortillas, cheese, and seasoning, all of which are cheap) and various kinds of soups.

    Finally, don’t discount the value of canned meats, vegetables, and fruits as well. No, canned food doesn’t always taste the best, but if buying food in bulk on the cheap is your priority, then it’s almost always a good option. What’s more is that certain canned foods such as canned corn or beans can be paired with numerous other kinds of meals as well.

    For a much more in-depth discussion, I encourage you to check out the video by The Bealles below.

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      1 thought on “How to Feed a Family of Five for only $30 a Week”

      1. What to do with EGGS
        First I would want to tell you to check the age of your eggs by laying them into a clear container covered with water… if your egg swimms then it is gone.
        Fresh eggs lay horizontal a 14 day old will point half way up and an egg that is 30 days old is fully standing up, still good to eat.
        The number one thing my children always ask me to buy is MERENQUE
        and that is what I would do with all those eggs.
        Meringue is a type of dessert (french cuisine) traditionally made from whipped egg whites and sugar (you may add flavour like vanilla or lemon)
        Now you are stucked with the egg yolk but I am sure they are freezable…
        Otherwise I would do Creme brullee or Custard, another desert.
        Whenever I have lots of eggs at home, my son makes Omelett in all sorts of varieties… the other day He had a Torilla and stuffed it with a fried egg whilst he smirrred some peanut butter in the tortilla ! Double Protein for Mr Sporty,

        Hope it helps.
        Please send me a note how it went


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