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    How To Make Shrub: A Drink From The 1700s

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    How To Make Shrub: A Drink From The 1700s

    This week's video is about how to make the original soda—the one Americans used to drink before we had Coke and Pepsi and a million other sodas. It's called a shrub, and it’s a delicious probiotic drink that was very popular in the 1700s and early 1800s. Vinegar drinks are also self-preserving, meaning they can sit out without refrigeration for a very long period of time.

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    This video by Off Grid with Doug and Stacy dives into how to make a shrub, which can also be included as an ingredient in many other homemade drinks including sports drinks, cocktails, mocktails, energy drinks, and homemade sodas.

    Making a shrub is incredibly easy to do. First, you will need to gather the following ingredients and items:

    • 1 cup of fresh fruit (berries will be the best bet for this recipe)
    • 1 cup of apple cider vinegar (preferably raw)
    • 1 cup of honey (preferably raw)
    • Jar (quart size)
    • Spoon
    • Strainer
    • Pitcher
    • Drinking Glass
    • Ice
    • Water

    Once you have accumulated each of these ingredients, follow these steps:

    1. Mash the fruit together and then place them together in a jar.
    2. Add vinegar and honey to the jar.
    3. Use the spoon to mix all of the ingredients together.
    4. Close the jar with a lid.
    5. Shake the jar vigorously.
    6. Remove the lid from the jar and then pour the mixture through a strainer and into a pitcher.
    7. Now pour the strained mixture back into your jar.
    8. Place ice into a drinking glass.
    9. Take out one-quarter of the mixture from the jar and pour it into a drinking glass.
    10. Add some water into the mixture in the glass..
    11. Stir the mixture together again.

    That’s it! By following the above steps you will have high quality and delicious shrub, and it should be very similar to the same shrub drink that our ancestors used to drink and enjoy hundreds of years ago.

    For a more detailed discussion and to see how it's done, check out the video below.

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      5 thoughts on “How To Make Shrub: A Drink From The 1700s”

      1. A… Where do the probiotics come in if this isn’t allowed to ferment?
        B… Honey is very expensive. Can I use sugar or something instead?


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