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    How To Make Probiotic Lemonade

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    How To Make Probiotic Lemonade

    If you have digestive problems of any kind, probiotics might be the solution. My husband suffered from gastritis for years. It's like acid reflux, only the acid eats away at the lining of your stomach instead of your throat.

    He tried all sorts of supposed remedies, but the thing that finally worked was probiotics. Every day he either takes a probiotic supplement or eats something with lots of probiotics in it such as yogurt or pickles. And now he has something he can drink: probiotic lemonade. Now his gastritis doesn't flare up unless he does something stupid like eat a whole pizza.

    Probiotics work well because they help the “good” bacteria in your digestive system. They're also great for your heart, they boost your immune system, and they reduce the severity of some allergies, just to name a few benefits.

    As I alluded to, there are probiotic supplements out there, but they're kind of expensive. Besides, it's better to introduce various types of bacteria into your gut rather than take the exact same strains every day.

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    Therefore, a better alternative is to eat foods with probiotics or make yourself some probiotic lemonade. The lemonade is fairly easy to make, and this video by Off Grid With Doug & Stacy explains how.

    Here's what you need:

    • Juice from 6-8 lemons
    • 1/2 cup of whey
    • 1/2 cup of raw sugar or sucanat
    • 1/2 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
    • 2 quarts of filtered water

    There are many ways to make whey, but one simple method is to put a coffee filter into a skimmer and set that on top of an open glass jar. Then just put some yogurt into the filter, and over time, whey will drip down into the jar.

    Here's how to make the lemonade:

    1. Mix all the ingredients in a large glass container with a screw-on lid.
    2. Seal the jar tightly and shake it up really well.
    3. Put it in a dark location and keep it at room temperature for 2-3 days.
    4. Skim off any foam that has risen to the top.
    5. Cover tightly and refrigerate.
    6. The lemonade will get more flavorful with time.

    Watch the video below to learn more. They also spend some time explaining more about probiotics and why they're so good for you.

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      8 thoughts on “How To Make Probiotic Lemonade”

      1. Thanks for your great articles. Always informative and entertaining.

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        Thanks for your great articles. Always informative and entertaining.

        • Glad you enjoy them! At the top and bottom of each post are some rectangular buttons: Pinterest, Facebook, and Print. Click the print button for a printer-friendly version of the page.

        • Really; whey and sugar is “healthy”? When did that happen? Not anything I would consider drinking for a healthy diet! But, thanks for taking the time to share your opinion.

          • Only replying because I can’t see anyone else has but yeh, sugar and whey, they both play their parts. The whey provides the probiotics and the sugar provides the food for the probiotics to multiply… I fail to see where the concern is but I hope that even after this length of time if you have legitimate reasons for your comment that you will let us know so we can use it as a lesson. TIA mate 👍🏼

          • It’s lemonade! And it doesn’t say “healthy” probiotic lemonade… Having said that, whey is very healthy. It’s loaded with nutrients.


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