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    10 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Vegetable Garden

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    10 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Vegetable Garden

    Some of my favorite articles and videos have “wish I'd known” in the title. Why? Because I know that when I read or watch them, I'm likely to pick up a few tips that will save me a lot of time and trouble.

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    Gardening is so simple yet so incredibly complicated. Many beginners think it's just a matter of planting seeds and watering the plants. But if that's all you know, you're going to have a pretty pitiful harvest.

    If you know any experienced gardeners , ask them lots of questions. They'll be happy to share their wisdom. If you don't know any gardeners, buy some books on gardening. If you hate reading, then at least watch some videos.

    GrowVeg has hundreds of videos about gardening, and in this one, he shares some tips he's learned that would have made his first garden a lot more successful.

    Here's his list of 10 things he wishes he'd known before starting a vegetable garden:

    1. Let the sunshine in. 6 to 8 hours is ideal.
    2. Convenience is key. Put your garden somewhere you can see it.
    3. Love your soil. Nourish it with plenty of compost and manure.
    4. Don't be too hasty. If you plant too soon, your plants might not thrive.
    5. Give plants the best start. Wait til your soil has warmed up and dried enough.
    6. Water well. Most plants need 1 to 2 inches of water per week.
    7. Remove weeds immediately. Don't give them a chance to spread.
    8. Keep picking. Some veggies need to be picked regularly to encourage more growth.
    9. Tidy up at the end of the season. This will make next season easier.
    10. Keep records. Keep track of everything and learn as you go.

    Watch the video below for a more in-depth discussion of these tips.

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