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Have you ever thought about building your own grill? Most people wouldn't even consider doing this. They're afraid they don't have enough knowledge or that it would be way too much work. But after watching this video from Dr. Stewart Productions, you'll realize that building a grill isn't nearly as complicated as you thought.
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For this cinder block grill, you just need a few materials:
- 22 8x8x16 cinder blocks (22)
- 8x8x8 half cinder blocks (4)
- 48×40 metal mesh (1)
- 48×24 metal mesh (1)
- 2x2x48 steel angle iron (1)
- 2x8x16 flat concrete blocks (7)
The final product will be 48” long, 40” wide, and 34” tall. Here's what to do:
- Level out a piece of ground that is at least 48 by 40 inches and tamp it down. Use a level to make sure it's completely flat.
- Put down three cinder blocks end to end with the holes vertical. Then put down two cinder blocks on each side to form a partial rectangle.
- On the second level, start with half blocks on the ends, then use full-size blocks. This will make the blocks offset and the grill more stable.
- Put your steel angle iron across the front of the grill, then put down your 40×40 metal mesh.
- Put down another layer of cinder blocks. This time, use two half blocks in the back–one in the corner, and one between two of the full-size blocks.
- Now put your 48×24 metal mesh across the back. This shelf can be used for buns, extra meat, a coffee pot, etc.
- Put three full-size cinder blocks across the back to hold the shelf in place.
- Put down the flat concrete blocks to cover the holes in the cinder blocks.
This grill is so easy to build, anyone can do it!
Some of these steps were difficult to explain, so I encourage you to watch the video below to see it built (the video quality isn't great, but it's good enough for you to follow along).