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    How To Make Homemade Gummy Vitamins

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    How To Make Homemade Gummy Vitamins

    If you knew there were gummy bears that boost your immune system, would you eat them? Even more to the point, if you could make these at home, would you do it?

    It turns out it’s actually pretty simple to do, as Our Oily House discusses. To make your own homemade gummy bears, just follow these steps.

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    1. Gather 1/2 cup of elderberry syrup and 1/4 cup of gelatin (unflavored from grass-fed crows works best because it has tons of protein).

    2. Whisk the elderberry syrup and gelatin thoroughly together.

    3. Add in 1/2 cup of hot water (make sure the water is hot but not boiling so it can dissolve the gelatin in the mixture).

    4. Continue to whisk the mixture together, and be prepared to smell the gelatin.

    5. Once it’s well mixed, whisk in another 1/2 cup of elderberry syrup into the mixture.

    6. Grease your gummy bear molds (which you can find on Amazon) with cooking oil.

    7. Use a dropper to drop the mixture into the molds (you can also buy a dropper on Amazon), or alternatively you can manually pour them in yourself (although this will be messier versus using a dropper).

    8. Once the molds are full, go ahead and place them into the refrigerator.

    9. Plan on keeping the gummy bears in the refrigerator for twenty to thirty minutes so they harden.

    At this point, you’re all set! Keep in mind you can use this same recipe to make all different kinds of gummy bears. For example, instead of using the elderberry syrup, you can also use orange juice or grape juice for different flavors and colors.

    For a more detailed, summary, you can check out the video below.

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      1 thought on “How To Make Homemade Gummy Vitamins”

      1. So other than the chosen fruit juice, how do you include vitamins in the gummies? Do you have examples for each of the more popular vitamins—-A, C, D3, E, Bs, K, etc


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