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    5 Myths About Goats

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    5 Myths About Goats

    There are many, many benefits of raising goats . The most obvious benefits are that they produce milk and meat, which is delicious. But you can also use the milk to make soap, you can use their dung as fuel, they'll eat all your food scraps, they'll eat all your weeds, they produce manure for your garden, they're fairly easy to train and deal with, and they're inexpensive to keep.

    Still, I've come across people who are hesitant to get goats, often because of some common myths about goats. For example, you might think goats are very mean, but that's not true. Bucks can get mean during mating season, but other than that, they are very friendly.

    In this video, Arms Family Homestead debunks some other common myths about goats. Here they are.

    1. Only The Male Goats Have a Beard – In fact, female goats have goatees.
    2. All Goats Stink – Not true. They actually don't have much of a smell.
    3. All Goats Are Mean – Most goats are very social. They're nice if you're nice.
    4. Goats Will Mow Your Yard – Goats like grass, but they also like other plants.
    5. Goats Will Eat Anything – No, goats won't eat tin cans. Of course they won't.

    Watch the video below for more information on these myths and on what it's like to raise goats.

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