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    Starting a Homestead? Better Watch This Video First!

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    Starting a Homestead? Better Watch This Video First!

    I love a cautionary tale. I think the internet is full of things that just sound too easy. We have an army of articles written by experts, but they are written without a basis of the lack of knowledge the reader will possess. It’s within these cautionary tales that we often find ourselves having second thoughts about things rather than diving headlong into something we read in a 500-word article.

    This video comes from a family that is in the thick of the homesteading experience. They offer a unique view of what it is to start and live on a homestead. Their thumbnail graphic really caught my eye because it cautioned against building a prison instead of a homestead. That is a radical idea that deserves exploring because of the overwhelming idea that a homestead will be nothing short of salvation.

    What you find in this video is that proper planning and challenging work up front will pay dividends in the long run. It’s an old story told in a new and interesting way.

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      1 thought on “Starting a Homestead? Better Watch This Video First!”

      1. I would love to have my own homestead and how do I find the money to do it? I’m a single mom of five with one income, barely surviving. Please give me more info on how to raise money to buy a piece of land that I can start my own homestead on.


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