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    6 Things You Need to Start Raising Sheep

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    6 Things You Need to Start Raising Sheep

    There are many great reasons to raise sheep on your homestead. For starters, sheep wool is wonderful. It's nice and warm and very valuable. Sheep milk is super nutritious with far more calcium and vitamins than cow milk. And if you decide to breed your sheep, you can make a lot of money from the offspring.

    The downside of sheep is that they aren't the toughest animal. They tend to get sick and die more easily than goats and cows. There are many plants that are poisonous to sheep, so you'll have to check your pasture carefully and get rid of any you find. They're also easy targets for predators which is why you should also consider getting a sheepdog.

    If you do decide to raise sheep, there are many things you need, and that is the subject of this video by The Grass-Fed Homestead. Here's the list:

    1. Food – If there's not enough grass, you'll need lots of hay.
    2. Water – They need constant access to fresh, clean water.
    3. Shelter – Although sheep can handle the cold very well, they need shelter for shade and to block wind.
    4. Minerals – Two great supplements are kelp meal and selenium salt.
    5. Fencing – Cattle panels are great, but electric fencing is best when you're rotating them to different pastures.
    6. Friends – Sheep are very gregarious and will be very unhappy alone. Always get two or more.

    Watch the video below to learn about these things you need for sheep.

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