There are a lot of people out there who dream of setting up a homestead and being as self-reliant as possible. The problem is, many of them have spouses who don't have that dream and think the idea of self-sufficient living is crazy. Wash clothes by hand? Cook food without power? Work in the garden every day? No thanks!
What is one to do in this situation? Can you really work toward having an off-grid homestead if your spouse isn't on board? That's the topic of this video by Starry Hilder Off Grid Homestead. She talks about her experience homesteading with her husband and what she thinks about couples who aren't on the same page when it comes to this sort of thing.
This is a controversial topic so I don't really want to add anything to what she says. Watch the video below to see what she thinks, and feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think!