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    10 Essential Homesteading Tools

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    10 Essential Homesteading Tools

    There are so many lists of homestead tools floating around out there. In fact, one of our own writers made a list. But this list by Big Family Homestead is especially interesting because it has several ideas that wouldn't occur to most people.

    For example, fence post drivers. These are a must-have for people putting up chicken wire, electric fences, or barbed wire fences with metal fence posts. Pound it into the ground a few times and in seconds you'll be on to the next post.

    They have a bunch of other great ideas, too. You can read their list below, but also be sure to check out their video at the bottom to hear their commentary.

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    1. Pressure Cooker – Big time saver. Makes meals fast and you can use it to can food.

    2. Dish Rags – Washing cow udders, cleaning out cages, washing dishes, cleaning messes. Saves money because you don't have to buy paper towels.

    3. Insulated Gloves – You need high-quality outerwear if you're going to be working outside in the cold. Don't buy cheap stuff or you'll be replacing it over and over.

    4. Sewing Machine – It's not just about making new clothes, but about fixing clothes so you don't have to buy new clothes as often.

    5. Buckets – Scoops for feed, places to make compost tea, hauling junk, and so forth.

    6. Fence Post Driver – This is so much easier than digging holes. Pens have to move a lot, so instead of digging holes, use one of these.

    7. Reference Materials – Even after years of experience, there are going to be plenty of things you don't know. It's great to have a handy reference that will teach you something you need to learn.

    8. Knife – They have dozens of uses. If you're a homesteader, you'll find yourself using it every single day.

    9. ATV – Pull a cart, plow snow, push poop, haul things around, and so forth. Most people think of them as something for fun, but they're actually really helpful.

    10. Your Mind – This one probably sounds cheesy, but it's really true. You can't just memorize information. You have to gain experience and learn from your mistakes.

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      4 thoughts on “10 Essential Homesteading Tools”

      1. Homesteading? In a post-SHTF world, it will be a long time before there is such a thing. The top 10 items will be the same for everyone – rural, urban, homesteaders, travelers… arms, medical necessities, food, water, shelter, clothing, shoes, maps, non-electrical light sources, knowledge. Not necessarily in any particular order; rather, as the situation presents itself.

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